Contact Me

Catherine Owens
1-800-AKASHIC (1-800-252-7442)
Phone: 828-773-5636

Akashic Record Classes

Catherine Owens is currently a Certified ARCI Teacher of Levels 1,2,3 and 4 of the Akashic Records.

AKASKIC RECORDS are the past, present and possible future of each person’s soul journey from the time of inception until return.

  • LEVEL I - experience the process of accessing your own Akashic Record
  • LEVEL II - opening others' Akashic Records
  • LEVEL III - expand in to areas of past lives, ancestral/genetic and other creative areas
  • LEVEL IV - becoming an Akashic Record Consultant

Classes by zoom will be upcoming.


Forgiveness Prayer

If there is anyone or anything that has hurt me in the past,

knowingly or unknowingly, I forgive and release it.

If I have hurt anyone or anything in the past,

knowingly or unknowingly, I forgive and release it.

If I hurt myself in the past,

knowingly or unknowingly, I forgive and release it.



Prayer for Releasing Outside Influences

If what I am experiencing is not mine,

May God/Spirit/Source have His Shield

around me and I release whatever it may be to Him.




Prayer for Loved Ones and Energy Patterns

Father/Mother/God/Spirit/Source, we ask that this

energy pattern/Soul be sent on in its spiritual evolution

for the highest good and mutual benefit of everyone concerned.