Contact Me
Catherine Owens1-800-AKASHIC (1-800-252-7442)
Phone: 828-773-5636
Catherine Owens is currently a Certified ARCI Teacher of Levels 1,2,3 and 4 of the Akashic Records.
AKASKIC RECORDS are the past, present and possible future of each person’s soul journey from the time of inception until return.
Classes by zoom will be upcoming.
Forgiveness Prayer
If there is anyone or anything that has hurt me in the past,
knowingly or unknowingly, I forgive and release it.
If I have hurt anyone or anything in the past,
knowingly or unknowingly, I forgive and release it.
If I hurt myself in the past,
knowingly or unknowingly, I forgive and release it.
Prayer for Releasing Outside Influences
If what I am experiencing is not mine,
May God/Spirit/Source have His Shield
around me and I release whatever it may be to Him.
Prayer for Loved Ones and Energy Patterns
Father/Mother/God/Spirit/Source, we ask that this
energy pattern/Soul be sent on in its spiritual evolution
for the highest good and mutual benefit of everyone concerned.
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